How to make OZL-coils
Japanese handmaders can understand that OZL-series coils is handmaded FCZ-series coils. But foreign people cannot understand it. Therefore I will show you how to make it. Type A is used for HF(3.5MHz to 10MHz). Type A is made by rewinding from the coil used in 80MHz FM radio as IF-coils. Type B is used for UHF(14MHz to 144MHz). Type B is made by rewinding from the coil used in 80MHz FM radio as RF-coils. The turns and center frequency is as follows. But you must adjust the capacitor about 30% in order to tune the correct frequency. You can use FCZ series instead of OZL series. But I receibved the letter from JH1FCZ that he make no guarantee for my projects. Of cause it is your responsibility to make your original coils.

How to make OZL-dash series coils
On OZL series ,winding turn of second winding(d-e) is about 30% of first winding (a-c).
In order to get more high Q coils, I deveropped OZL dash series.
On OZL dash series ,winding turn of second winding(d-e) is about 15% of first winding (a-c).
For example the second turn of OZL 1.9 dash is only 6 turns.

OZL - シリーズコイルの作り方
日本の自作家ならば、OZLコイルってやつはFCZコイルのまねっこだって事は、すぐにわかるでしょう。FMラジオの中間周波のIFT、つまり 10.7MHzに同調するタイプなんかで、中身が下の絵のTYPE−Aみたいな形のやつをぶっ壊して、下の巻き数の表の通りに巻き直して、やると OZL1.9からOZL9までのHF用のコイルができます。FMラジオの高周波コイルで中身が下の絵のTYPE−Bみたいな形のやつを、ぶっ壊してまきな おすと、14MHzから144MHz用の物ができます。ただし、コアの材質やボビンのおおきさなんかが、オリジナルのFCZコイルと違うので、同調を取る ためのコンデンサーを、プラマイ30%程度組み立ててから、動作させながら、調節してください。


name type band turn(a-b) turn(b-c) turn(d-e) L(a-c) capacitor
name AorB MHz turn turn turn mycrohenry picofarad
1.9 A 1.9 17 17 12 18 390
3.5 A 3.5 10 10 7 9.4 220
5 A 5 9 9 6 6.75 150
7 A 7 7 7 5 4.31 120
9 A 9 6 6 4 3.13 100
14 B 14 6 6 4 1.85 70
21 B 21 5 5 3 1.44 40
28 B 28 4 4 3 1.08 30
50 B 50 3 3 2 0.68 15
144 B 144 3 3 2 0.17 7

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