Mini strobe light −−ミニストロボライト−−strobe.gif
This is a mini
strobe light. NE555 is used as a self oscillator. The width of output pulse
is changed by the variable resister. 25msec means 40Hz. 6m sec means 166Hz.
A LED is connected on the output of this oscillator. Therefore LED twinkles
from 40Hz to 166Hz. I lighted a speaker by this twinkle LED. The cone of
a speaker is vibrated by 50Hz with 3V-AC power transformer. I adjusted
the VR to oscillate 51Hz. Then, I can watch the corn of the speaker vibrates
slowly with 1Hz. A strobe scope is used in order to research the vibration.
This is very cheap one. If you are the teacher, you can teach the children
that the sound is a vibration of the air. Also you can teach that the concept
of phase and frequency with this equipment with this machine. If you are
the young man, you can have a time with your girl friend in the dark room.(
Last month I looked this light with 5 gentlemen. It was not enjoyable time
Description add on 10 Dec 2000: I forget to say about most important thing.
Such a instrument can be uaed to evaluate the mechanical stability of the
parts on the print boad.
は,40Hz を意味します.6msec は,166Hz
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